Moving into university is tough. You’re moving out of your home and are now living in a whole new place. You might be feeling, anxious, upset or scared? And if you are, that’s normal. I can guarantee most people will be feeling like that, I know I was.
My move into university halls about a week ago… I can definitely say it was a shock to the system. The homesickness kicked in, I was upset for a couple of days and I didn’t want to be here. But I made it my goal to make this new place feel exciting, and so can you.
First of all, if you’re living with other people, reach out to them, they might just be feeling the same as you are.
On one of my first nights we had a takeaway night where we all put some money together and ordered McDonald’s. We sat around the kitchen table and we had a chat. We got to know each of our quirky McDonald’s orders, like who takes the pickles of their burger, who dips their fries into their milkshakes and who goes for the fillet-o’-fish (gross).
Another night we had a games night, this was a laugh, we went on Roblox for hours and just played whatever stupid game we could find. We talked about our favourite films, what music we like, celebrities and much more.
Remember, it’s not just you feeling like this
These people will probably be having the same feelings as you about moving in, so talk to them about it, you can help each other and eventually, you won’t be thinking about going home, you’ll be planning your next event with your flatmates.
Also, if you have friends from home moving to a university, give them a ring, I’m sure you’ll have loads to talk about and it’s always nice to hear a familiar voice. Make plans with them, even if that’s in a months time, it’s something for you to work towards and look forward to.
Make plans to visit home
While it may sound contradictory to give into the homesickness and arrange to go home, remember this isn’t about forcing yourself into being sad all the time! Booking a trip home can give you something to look forward to. It doesn’t have to be every weekend but it’s also something for you to arrange to do, however often feels good for you.
Join a society – a current interest or potential new one!
There will be so many out there from sports to Taylor Swift (trust me, there is). Through this you can meet people who also have familiar interests. This could also be a good opportunity to try something new, give it a go, the worst that can happen is you don’t like it!
I know it’s difficult and can feel like you’ll never get out of this feeling but, it will go, you will meet people, you will have fun. And if all else fails, there’s always the pub 🙂
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