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Articles > School March, 11, 2021

March 8th – my back to school experience

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I’m a year 10 student from Leicester, and here is my experience of the first day back at school after what feels like forever.

At first, I was nervous

As soon as Boris Johnson announced schools will be opening on the 8th of March, everyone has been anticipating this day. Getting to see friends as well as working normally is what everyone had been looking forward to. But with that there were also nerves. Even the last week of home learning was filled with “we can do this next week properly in class” and plans for the weeks ahead. So much buildup, all for school!

I prepared mentally and tried to sort out my sleeping pattern. I’d gotten too used to waking up at 8:15 and having 15 minutes to log on for my first call. Travelling into school would be a lot different, although not as much as some as I walk instead of taking the bus.

I wasn’t exactly productive

I’ll admit it! Monday wasn’t a productive day. Everyone needed time to adjust and just catch up really. My form teacher had made us all welcome back packs with chocolates and it was just great to talk to people in person again. I had seen a few friends at the park but no one properly.

While the school tried its best to maintain some sort of order, it is quite impossible to socially distance and wear a mask all day. Even in classes with passing things around – we have to put our faith in hand sanitizer!

Classes were odd and I found it easier to contribute than on video calls. However friends have not had the same experience and one said they actually found it more difficult, although this may be because everyone was a little more excitable and loud?

Overall, I’m exhausted!

I didn’t anticipate that a full day as school would be tiring. While home learning wears you out because of screen time, at least you can take breaks and be in the comfort of your own home. At school I struggled with moving about all day – although I’m sure by next week I’ll have settled in again.

We have to get 2 tests per week just to make sure we don’t catch anything and pass it on. I have a pack to bring home but some people are doing this in school. It all feels a bit surreal! My sister is in primary school and things are much more different for her with testing. I will carry on doing what I can to keep people around me safe! Especially because I haven’t had the virus yet.

I’m still really excited to be back, and look forward to things getting back to normal again. Everyone reading this, especially secondary school students – follow the rules and be safe!

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  1. kawther younis

    I think that the return should be gradual, because our bodies as students have become accustomed to homes and to a very simple movement limited to walking around the house, it will be very destructive, to bear the body of a child, the pressure of an entire school day, perhaps we have adapted to the mask and sterilizers, But we must re-energize our bodies, and train them to move, and in addition to that there is the psychological aspect. How many of us have suffered from depression during the quarantine period, so it will be very difficult to make friends …. Engagement in society and study must be gradual

  2. kawther younis

    Returning to school, I think that the return should be gradual, because our bodies as students have become accustomed to homes and to a very simple movement limited to walking around the house, it will be very destructive, to bear the body of a child, the pressure of an entire school day, perhaps we have adapted to the mask and sterilizers, But we must re-energize our bodies, and train them to move, and in addition to that there is the psychological aspect. How many of us have suffered from depression during the quarantine period, so it will be very difficult to make friends …. Engagement in society and study must be gradual