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Articles > Relationships February, 12, 2021

Valentines, Galentines or Palentines? 🥰

The OPC Editorial Team
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Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and we thought we’d share some of the ideas we had for celebrating! Whether you’re coupled up or not, this is the perfect chance to ✨treat yourself✨, which is something everyone needs during lockdown!

Scroll to which statement suits you, and read the tip we have!

‘Forget love! All I need is my friends’ 🤗

If this year is more of a Galentines/Palentines year for you, that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate! Jump on Scener or Teleparty (Netflix party) with your friends and have a virtual movie night! There are also loads of activities online for virtual gatherings… from puzzles to escape rooms and murder mysteries!

‘Feb 14th is just an ordinary day! Valentines is just a capitalist holiday’ 😠

Okay, we get it… you’re not going to buy into all the gimmicks. If it’s just a regular Sunday for you, how about doing some meal prep for the week and having a day to chill out and treat yourself!

‘I miss bae, they’re so far away…’ 😔

Those who can’t spend Valentine’s day with their loved ones… all is not lost! There are plenty of ideas online for how to have a virtual date night. Try ordering food and eating together while on Facetime!

‘If only we could go out for a date night!’ 🍹

If you’re lucky enough to live with your significant other but are stuck for what to do since you can’t go out, that doesn’t mean your day can’t be special! Try to do something you don’t usually do at home, such as get dressed up and have a candlelit meal!

We’d love to hear what you get up to! Let us know in the comments below how you’re going to spend your day 💖

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  1. Wrika

    I think…i’m going to be forever alone and watch movies by myself!