Anorexia has the highest mortality rate amongst all mental illnesses but along with many others is still a taboo subject. When opening up about my own personal experience with the eating disorder to friends, family and work colleagues I realised just how common it was and the vast number of people who had been affected by the illness.
In this article, I have written about a selection of things that helped me to overcome my anorexia that I share in the hope that they may help others either overcome their own battles or understand more about the terrifying, all consuming and deadly illness…
1) Never lose sight of why you’re doing it
What you want to achieve. Where you want to get to – food freedom – a life without worries. It may be smaller steps like ‘I want to be able to eat with my family’ or ‘I want to be able to finish a meal and not feel guilty’. However big or small, keep in mind your goals and objectives🎯
2) Don’t forget you’re loved. It’s an easy mistake to make
‘Someone didn’t send me a message this morning’ or ‘Everyone looks at me differently’, ‘No-one has time for me’. Your mind is your worst enemy in turning everyone against you but truly there are many people supporting you and wanting you to get better. They want the best for you (even if it doesn’t seem that way). Always remember those most important to you and in your darkest moments reach out to them, remember them and make them proud🧑🤝🧑
3) There is a light at the end of the tunnel
It is possible to recover, it takes a lot of bloody hard work but it can be done – don’t believe me? Accounts like @pippafindslife just prove it.
4a) Feelings aren’t facts…
A life mantra a friend taught me when I was at my worst – what you’re feeling is made up from your distorted thoughts.
4b) …and they don’t last forever
However you’re feeling right now will not last, feelings like emotions come and go, pick yourself up (whack some Disney songs on) and get back to a happy place.
5) It’s a wider problem than just you
How you behave, how you treat food, how you speak and treat others… They all have wider impacts on those around you. It’s hard to see them crumble or come on your journey of destruction but they’ll be feeling just as guilty when they see you suffer.
6) Learning can be your best remedy – it was for me
Learning about yourself, your illness and your biggest fears. Your behaviours, how your thoughts impact you and the damage you could cause. Researching and reading about anorexia made it easier for me to understand my own thoughts and feelings. I began to recognise distorted behaviours and thinking and realised how sad my life had become obsessed with food and unable to justify enjoying it😥
7) You deserve better!
Anorexia is a horrible illness, I wouldn’t wish it upon anybody. It isn’t choosy in how it targets or effects, but everyone it does deserves so much better – to be the people they really are, to live life and to experience the pleasures and adventures it may bring – to work, to play, to be with family and friends, to see the world and to grow – no-one deserves to be trapped by this illness.
Check out my blog for more content: https://foodiestudentlife.blogspot.com/
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