Are you new to university life? Or are you thinking of going to university in upcoming years? If you answered yes to either of those questions carry on reading!
I’m in my first year of university, and these are a few things I’ve learned in the first month alone!
1. Don’t waste money on takeaways!
Recipes for all of your favourite takeaway meals can be found online! Better yet, you can make them with fresh handpicked ingredients, be aware of what’s going into your food, cater it to your tastes AND have a great time doing it!
2. Go for the off-brand foods and items!
You don’t have to buy branded foods and items all the time! Much cheaper alternatives that taste just as good, or work just as well can be found in stores! For example, your favourite branded cookies are say £2, well there will be an alternative that tastes exactly the same for £1 or cheaper!
3. Clean Clean Clean!
I know cleaning sounds boring, right? But there’s nothing better than a nice and clean working and living environment. Keeping your desk space will help you focus, keep you motivated to work at your desk, and let’s not forget cleaning is a great stress reliever! Extra tip, buy nice smelling cleaning products!
4. Buy a weekly planner!
This one is important! A weekly planner will help you keep track of assignments, classes, allocated study time, and work shifts (if you have a job). A weekly planner has helped me be so much more productive! I also plan when I’m going to go shopping and when to take my rubbish out!
5. Keep a water filter in your room!
If you’re like me and drink a lot of water and don’t want to be walking back and forth to the kitchen, or buying plastic water bottles constantly, invest in a water filter! You can fill it up with water from your sink in your room or bathroom! It also helps to keep some cordial in your room to add some flavour from time to time!
6. Take reminders of home!
If you’re moving away from home take some things that remind you of it! Whether that be pictures, pillows, decorations or little trinkets. Personally, I took a tapestry from my room at home along with lights, my crystal collection and photos of friends and family!
7. Keep in contact with loved ones!
This one is especially important if you’re going to be living alone, or if you’re moving away from your loved ones. Call them regularly, schedule group calls, play online games with them, and invite them to you/visit them from time to time! It’ll really help if you feel a little homesick or lonely!
8. Join your course/accommodation groups!
Most universities set up official groups on social media for the courses and accommodation they offer, this will help you meet the people you will be in classes with and/or living with, it also makes the process of making new university friends so much easier!
9. Be smart with your spending!
I know it can be very tempting to kinda go crazy and spend all your money on stuff you don’t really need, set yourself a weekly budget for food, toiletries and other essentials, set aside money for clothes and stationery, and put some money into a savings account!
10. Focus on your work, but remember to have fun too!
University isn’t just all work no fun, but it’s not all fun no work. Make sure you keep a healthy balance of both! Prioritise your work, make sure you complete assignments and notes! Set yourself a daily goal for work, once you’ve met that goal reward yourself with some fun! Play your favourite game, watch your favourite show, spend time with friends
What do you think of these tips? Have you done any of the same things? We’d love to hear about it in the comments!
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I think this is honest and handy
I think it is informative
This article is to-the-point so I enjoyed reading it as a prospective university student.
This is a to-the-point article so I enjoyed reading it as a prospective university student.
Really useful tips in this, thank you!