This article is a review of The Great Gatsby immersive experience in London, written by Caroline and originally published on Sutton and Croydon Local Guardian, through their young reporters page. Read on to hear her views!
Hidden along the scenic embankment of London Bridge…
…you can find an unusual theatre that catches the eye of many young people. The production is immersive; the performers and audience are as one. From the moment you step into the theatre, you are taught dance moves to enable
In the article header image, you can see some of the set. On picture shows some 1920’s USA newspaper headlines – You can see the producers have put a lot of effort in this prop, to make it look as if it is a collection of original 1920’s article headlines.
There was a lot going on, many people were drawn into each room. You could hear parts of another scene in other rooms and it made me want to be a part of it all. Sometimes, the talking was very loud in other rooms but that easily became part of the script in the room I was in.
“The most memorable moment I can recall is towards the end of the play when Jay Gatsby and Daisy are staring at each other, they were so in love that it gave the audience a fuzzy feeling inside.”
Want to be a part of something without actually being a performer!? Enjoyed the book? Watched the movie?
Well, why don’t you try something different during this festive season, here is an amazing experience at hand. Try the Great Gatsby immersive theatrical show.
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wow…..nice write up
During the Pandemic,i played Games..