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Articles > Entertainment October, 07, 2020

Why I still listen to Taylor Swift

Mariam A
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A while ago, my boyfriend and I were going through all of Taylor Swift’s albums and singing our hearts out (well, he was singing, I was screeching) and in the middle of the chorus of Fifteen, I got the idea to write about why I listen to, and love, Taylor Swift…

There’s a sweet nostalgia attached to her and all of her songs; with the release of ‘folklore’, I feel like there’s been another wave of emotion and memories surrounding her music, and going back in time to moments from the teenage years.

A lot of the songs include the life events we all go through, and how even when you think you won’t, you will always overcome it. These messages can be seen in Fifteen, Mine, Betty, just to name a few. The difference in the lyrics from her albums ‘Red’ to ‘1989’ is vast, and it shows how much she’s grown. Not just as a singer, but as a woman from a young girl – as a person.
From breakups to finding love to friendships and love from your gal pals, it’s all there, clear as day, in her songs and listening to them feels like a welcoming hug in the moments you feel irreparably broken.

I find solace and a sweet wistfulness when listening to Taylor Swift, even though my younger years weren’t entirely all blissful—but the reminiscing is more on the innocence of youth. Her surprise album, ‘folklore’, is still on top of the Billboard charts, six weeks after its release. This, of course, is not a new feat for the reigning queen of pop, since in 2014, her album ‘1989’ held the top spot for eleven weeks straight.

Some of my favourite songs of Swift’s are from her older albums, but my absolute favourite is definitely Fifteen, because of the message it conveys and the heartbreaking truth echoing in every word.

The lines “Back then I swore I was gonna marry him some day / But I realised some bigger dreams of mine” make me smile every time—this tells young girls that boys and heartbreak are never the answer, nor the end, to life, and there are far more important goals and dreams to grab hold of. In a lot of ways, this song is relatable for many girls in school, and listening to it years later, takes you back into those moments when you realise how utterly horrible teenage boys could be, experiencing the excitement of first dates, first kisses, first boyfriends, and with it, heartbreak, for the very first time.

The song, All Too Well, is probably Swift’s chef d’oeuvre—it is heartbreaking, cutting and undeniably good. It touches on the ugly, sad side of breakups, but not failing to mention the good from the relationship too. I love the lines “And you call me up again just to break me like a promise / So casually cruel in the name of being honest”—it is so deep and full of angst. Listening through the memories of this relationship is like watching it play out on screen, nothing short of masterful, and I think it’s one of those ‘breakup songs’ to listen to when you’re sad, or even going through a breakup. Same with Back to December, You’re Not Sorry, and especially, We’re Never Ever Getting Back Together—and this particular song is a magnum opus in its own right.

From her fairytale-esque country songs, Love Story remains my favourite, and, to this day, one of her top hits. Letters to Juliet is a song that depicts a (much better than the Shakespeare version, in my opinion) tale of Romeo and Juliet. It’s a classic and it’s catchy, and a best-seller. Honestly, who wouldn’t love this song?

When I want to sing my heart out dramatically, or cry over my favourite characters’ going through a tough time into a tub of Ben and Jerry’s, it’s Taylor Swift I turn to.

Her songs have that perfect vibe of nostalgia, grace, sweetness, and badass empowerment attached to them. She’s one of the greatest artists and seeing her growth has been amazing. Not to mention, her releasing ‘folklore’ right when we all needed it was such an amazing move.

What do you think of Taylor Swift? Let us know in the comments below!

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  1. Sidnei Davis

    I think…this article shows Taylor Swift to be an irreversibly part of someone’s (especially, girls) life , through the messages she pushes through her songs such as love, heartbreak and never giving up on your dreams. She’s like a big sister, giving advice through song.

  2. Zarin K

    I really enjoyed reading this article. Thank you for writing 🙂