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Articles > Student Life September, 24, 2020

Tips for decorating your university bedroom!

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Moving to university is a big step! For most of you, this is your first time living away from home, so it’s nice to do everything you can to make the place feel more familiar. While you may be restricted in decorating your university room (you want to get that deposit back!), here are some tips for how you can make it your own…


Whether it’s strips of LED lights or dainty fairy lights – adding lights to your bedroom is a guaranteed way to add a touch of homeliness to what might otherwise be a dimly lit, basic uni room. Having different lights allows you to change up the mood – which is important considering almost your whole student life is in that room! Alongside some fun lights for when you’re watching Netflix, hanging out with friends, filming a TikTok or doing some self-care, it’s also key to have good light to study in. A good reading lamp is important too!


Let’s face it, you probably moved way too much stuff from home into your new room. Whether it be study materials, snacks, clothes, books… you want to keep it all in order! Make the space work for you by investing in things like under bed storage boxes, and organisation boxes for your shelves. They’re a quick way to make the place look tidier, and ensure things are always in their place so you don’t lose them!

3.Photos and momentos

When you miss home, it’s nice to look over at some pictures and be reminded of your loved ones! While it’s super easy to look at pictures on your phone and get in contact with people, having printed photos adds personality to a room and makes it yours. Alongside photos, little pick me ups and memos are nice to look at (and will distract away from the revision notes that will end up on your wall at some point!).


As with photos, yes it’s easy to look at things on your phone, but things like reminders and deadlines are also very easy to miss! Having a calendar or noticeboard with key deadlines can help you remember what you have to do that week. I had a whiteboard where I would write key deadlines, and could wipe them off when I submit them! It’s SUPER satisfying to physically cross something off your to-do list.

5.Plants <3

If you’re a plant mom like me, this one is a given. You may be scared of the responsibility – “how can I keep a plant alive when I’m using all my effort taking care of myself?!” It’s easier than it seems – I promise! There are a number of low-maintenance plants you can get, such as cacti and succulents. Not only do they make your room look more grown up, plants will help to oxygenate your room 🙂

6.Washi tape designs

Showcase your creativity by making some washi tape wall art. This is something I did at university and it was a great way to make my room unique – without damaging the walls! If you haven’t heard of washi tape before, it’s a type of decorating masking tape that originated in Japan, you can get it in a range of colours and designs. Check out some inspo online for ways it can be used – it’s a nice project to do too!

So there you have it, 6 easy tips for decorating your university bedroom 😀

How many of these have you already tried? Or maybe you’re going to take inspiration and add them now! We’d love to hear from you, let us know in the comments below…

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