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Articles > Coronavirus July, 06, 2020

Are you for or against returning to school?

The OPC Editorial Team
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We asked our 13-16-year old panel members to take part in a short survey so that we could find out your views on reopening schools. Are you ready to return to school? Do you prefer working and studying from home? Here’s what our teenage panellists said…

Returning to school

This weekend we saw pubs and restaurants reopen across most of the UK. And while this felt like a step closer to normality, there’s still many schools that remain closed. So, we wanted to hear what you think about returning to school.

The majority (46%) of our 13-16 panel members are opposed to the idea, with 32% in support of it and 22% feeling unsure. The highest percentage of those who opposed, were among 16-year old males.

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Studying from home

Half of students prefer to complete assignments set out by their teachers and almost one in five prefer self-teaching – a clear preference towards independent studying rather than being taught via online lessons.

Only 7% of you prefer watching live lessons and 6% prefer watching recorded videos or podcasts.

Missing out

You told us that socialising is you’re number one activity that you’ve missed during lockddown (54% stating this to be true).

And despite telling us that you’re not ready to return to school, 15% of you told us that you miss it. This is higher than those that said they miss playing sports (13%) or visiting restaurants (5%). Only 6% said they miss going to the cinema or watching live events.

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Let us know what you think – are you ready to return to school or work? Are you happier working from home? Comment below or write to us at:

Thanks to our panellists that took part in this recent survey. Keep a look out for more invites via email or visit your My Surveys wall to see all the open opportunities available to you.

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