We’ve all had our own struggles to deal with in lockdown, from missing loved ones to cancelling plans and trying to adjust to the new normal. But, it’s important to remember that none of us are alone (though it may feel that way right now) and there is light at the end of the tunnel.
It helps to express some of the feelings we’re having at the moment and hear from others who are going through the same thing, which is why, over the next few days we’ll be posting a series of videos that will do just this. In these short videos you can hear from people just like you and we hope you’ll find some comfort in knowing that they are dealing with similar emotions and worries as you may be.
And as it’s Mental Health Awareness week, we thought it’d be good to start on a topic of: ‘how lockdown has impacted your health and wellbeing’ – let’s get the conversation on mental health started…
Life in Lockdown: Health & Wellbeing
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Tip: Keeping positive and active right now will keep your mind clear and relieve stress.
Our panel member Faye Oliver wrote an article earlier this week on how to focus on the positives during lockdown. We would recommend a read if you want help focusing on the positive (read here: Finding the Silver Lining in the Coronavirus Cloud).
We also have a great article by Francesca Di Franco, which offers inspiration on new activities you can start while in lockdown (read the article here: Hobbies to Relieve Stress during Lockdown)
I think…do something that you love, sing, dance, do some work, spend time with family (within your household) play some games with them eg monopoly or scrabble, just do anything that makes you feel happy while in lockdown.