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Articles > Coronavirus May, 04, 2020

Hobbies to Relieve Stress during Lockdown

Francesca Di Franco
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8.57 / 10

Given our current global state, you may find yourself, like many others, trapped inside and trying to find purpose in life. Consequently, you might have become glued to technology screens, whether that be scrolling through social media or binging on the latest Netflix series. But is this the best way to spend your lockdown?

Having been in lockdown for almost two months now, I have come up with some simple, effective and enjoyable hobbies that can get you out of bed and off the couch!

1. Cooking and baking

Whether you’re in lockdown with friends/family/partners or spending it alone, cooking is a great way to pass the time and can easily integrate into any part of your day.

Have you ever wondered: ‘am I hungry or just bored?’ Well, it doesn’t matter; making something sweet or savoury in the kitchen is a sure way to cure one or both of these! And getting inspiration for what to cook is just as easy. Why not dust off some of those old cook books or crack open your laptop and start Googling.

Always wanted to try and make cinnamon rolls? Lockdown is your time to shine!

2. Yoga

Looking for an exercise regime that you can actually stick to? Something that will leave you aching the next day (but not left completely immobilised)? Want an activity that you can start without the need of a physical instructor? Look no further, because yoga is the answer.

Nowadays, you can access yoga sessions from across the internet – whether it be through online channels like YouTube or via apps, there’s plenty of videos out there to get you started.

Check out:

*Down Dog are currently offering free premium access to all students until July (requires a valid student email).

3. Gardening (garden not required)

That’s right, you don’t need a garden to be a gardener.

There are so many fruits, vegetables and flowers that you can easily harvest the seeds from and then grow from scratch yourself – peppers, tomatoes and beans are a good place to start.

Plus, you don’t need any ‘proper’ plant pots to do this either! There’s so much plastic waste these days, that you can simply delve into your recycling and craft you own pot from a used egg carton or yogurt pot. You’ll soon have your own little vegetable patch and come out of this lockdown with a green finger!

4. Painting

Odds are, somewhere in your home you’ve got old paints stashed away; when better to reintroduce some colour and creativity into your life than in lockdown? And you don’t need a canvas to start painting. Why not get creative with an old t-shirt or perhaps if you’ve already started on your vegetable patch, then you could paint some of your newly crafted plant pots.

What’s brilliant about all of the above is that regardless of whether you live in a house, flat, farm, boat or any other accommodation, you can (to an extend) do any or all of these activities. And on a limited budget. The only thing you need is space.

The enjoyment and purpose you will get in return for doing something new with your time will be well worth it. Ultimately, if you’re looking for a new obsession to spend your time on for the next few months, I hope you get lots of entertainment out of these.

Do you have your own suggestions for lockdown hobbies? Tell us below in the comments section.

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  1. Sophie Jeffery

    I think… for your lockdown hobbies you should try a new skill like guitar or learn a language. I personally decided to try and learn latin using Duolingo I enjoyed it.

  2. Alex

    It is a great article, with lots of good information and great for people who have stress.

  3. Jessica

    i think this is a great article, it ranges for different agegroups, this is due to the layout, wording, etc. by having multiple links for the readers helps support them more adding on the the written advice. furthermore, it does not just give tips to those that are prepared (as in garding, a person with a garden…) it is talking and helping those in many different situations (satisfying their different needs). it is very helpful πŸ™‚ .

  4. Joshua

    I wasn’t really interested in cooking, not until this lockdown

    Now my cooking is perfect
    All thanks to the lockdown, it has in a way affected me positively

  5. Ant

    I think that these are great during lockdown and it’s really fun. I tried baking after this article and it really was fun, I think I’m going to try Gardening next because I saw that someone in the comments have already tried it and they liked it. I don’t think you need to add anything more to this article, the pictures are good and you have just enough text.

  6. Nadine

    I really think this article is very helpful, since lockdown I have been taking part in baking a lot more and have began to enjoy yoga and taking time out of my day to just reflect upon everything

  7. Pari

    I think that this article is super useful and gives excellent ideas. Seeing this made me want to bake so I’ve gone and bought new ingredients to bake. The plan is to make coffee flavoured chocolate chip cookies!

  8. Adchaya

    I think… the article was great but the list wasn’t very long.
    I have a couple of suggestions for what else to do when you are locked at home!

    Composing Music- You do not need to be a musical prodigy to compose music. Whether is a fun and witty melody about your bratty little sister or a mellow tune about an eventful day in your life, transforming your words into music is a great use of your time.

    Creating fan art- This doesn’t necessarily have to be a painting. It can be a collage, a sculpture, a written fan fiction ANYTHING to show appreciation for the fandom you are a part of. Something about creating things inspired by a movie franchise or a tv show or a celebrity you love gives you a different sort of vibrancy.

    learn coding- Now this may not be the most fun activity but it can be the most useful. Learning to code early on will help you immensely in your adulthood if you ever want to start a business or create a virtual experience for customers. your practice in coding will give you a head start into making your own websites.

    Enter online competitions!- One thing that stopped us from making commitments is the lack of time available but during lockdown , we seem to have a lot of it. so why don’t you use this time to enter online competitions and win a bit of cash, or awards. It can be journalism competitions, writing competitions, music composing competitions or baking competitions.

    make a short movie with your family- If passing time is what you want , the planning and execution of a short movie with your family will be sure to get the job done. Not only are you creating something, you also get to spend some productive time with your family.

    create an online personality – How many of us have watched youtubers and tiktokers live a lavish lifestyle and wish you could be just like them. Well now that your locked at home, why don’t you try? try making a name for yourself online. Plan and prepare the content you would like to show the world and excel at it . You never know when you will become viral youtuber.

    Binge watch good tv- Now this may not be the most productive use of your time but it sure as hell one of the easiest and most fun. How many times have you told yourself you’re going to start a show but you never have the time to sit down and press the remote. Well, now you have all the time in the world so why don’t you and the family leave out an hour or two of your day free to watch a good show.
    some of my personal favourite TV shows (most of them are gruesome or psychologically painful so please check the age limit and description before watching)
    . breaking bad
    . sherlock
    . prison break
    . money heist
    . handmaid’s tale
    . the walking dead
    . grey’s anatomy
    . game of thrones
    . the umbrella academy
    . how to get away with murder
    . family guy
    . rick and morty
    . Bojack Horseman

    • Sophie Derham

      Hey Adchaya! Wow, what a great list πŸ™‚

      Would you like to write your own article for us? We’re always looking for new content, and there is a chance to win Β£50! Just email
      Perhaps another article on what you would do? Since we’re in a second peak it would be very relevant!

      Sophie, OPC Community Manager

  9. Nabila

    I think that these are all really great ideas i personally have been getting into home work out and have seen some positive results considering the fact i was severly over weight.

  10. kaitlyn

    I think…its a great way to enjoy in this lockdown

  11. irina

    I think…this article gives us some very good ideas about what activities we can do while isolating. Great tips!

  12. Sidnei Davis

    I think…this article shows many inventive ways to relax without spending much/if any money. Painting may require some start up money but the gardening initiative is really refreshing as it helps the environment both by reusing waste and restoring oxygen to the atmosphere.

  13. Anna

    I think it is a very good article, there are very useful ideas that can make the quarantine nicer. In fact, I did some of the things it says. I would add to do some exercise like dancing, that is very de-stressing or listen and discover music or learn to play some instrument or to speak in another language!

  14. Karan Brar

    I think…I think that these things are essential to keep knowledge updated.

  15. Chloe Clark

    I think that people should try and change there rooms during lockdown as I have found that it helps to relieve stress and change is good

  16. Simran Gill

    I think…that this article provides a good idea of how to relieve stress, I think maybe getting at least 15 mins of fresh air by either going in your garden and gardening. Mediating and having few moments to yourself can always help you rebuild yourself. I personally enjoy listening to music during lockdown and varying music choices that is also a good way of cheering yourself up.

  17. David

    I think… lockdown offers the opportunity to find new hobbies and interests you may not know you had. For me, it was cooking and backing, but for others could be learning a language or yoga. Anything to take your mind to a happy place! πŸ™‚

  18. Robbie

    I think its a great article but some of these activities require money when some people don’t have it to spare, perhaps suggesting free apps you can use to help you depress or keep you entertained would be useful.

  19. Vinsiyaa

    I think painting is actually a really good skill to learn. It takes time and practice which makes up for the time during lockdown.

  20. Abdul

    I think I prefer yoga and gardening most

  21. Hannah

    I think that lockdown is a good time to learn something new to keep the mind alive, personally I started to learn German on Duolingo

  22. Khadija

    I think that these things are essential to keep knowledge updated.

  23. moyin

    I think that this article is very useful as i find comfort and relaxation in baking

  24. Aleena

    I think these are some of the most productive things to do while lock down

  25. Abbey Naathan

    Never would have thought you can garden without a garden

  26. Nafisah

    I think…the most ideal thing to do is to try different things that you feel you might enjoy such as reading, cooking and exercise as these will also help with your health by keeping you active and will also help when you are feeling stressed as a way to distract your mind.

  27. Vyacheslav Konoval

    As for me, I prefer to work under scientific research. The global lockdown caused by COVID-19 has given to me the opportunity to improve myself, given the time to do what I want really, being released me from performing the routine everyday tasks.

  28. Ella

    I think exercise is also a great way to relieve stress (as well as improve physical wellbeing).

  29. Rachel B

    I think it is important to do self care such as face masks. Cycling and gardening are fun too.

  30. Anna

    I think…this article is able to motivate individuals to make a change in their lives as current situations may bring people down.

  31. Martyna

    I think… that the article is good but i would make it more interesting and there is more hobbies like sport or movie watching excreta

  32. Rachel

    I think that gardening has been great during lockdown as it is an excellent stress reliever. This article is right that you don’t even need a garden to do so, you can have indoor plants

  33. Amy

    This article has given me fresh ideas of things I can do to throughout lockdown that are realistic hobbies I could continue doing after all this is done

  34. K

    This is a good article and agree with it a lot, I have a ton of baking during lockdown. I have spent a lot of time in the garden as well, not necessarily gardening though.

  35. Hannah

    I think Yoga with Adrienne is great! It’s really helped me throughout lockdown

  36. Megan Croft

    watching asmr really helps with stress

  37. eudimary rodriguez

    I think they are good ideas not only to relief the levels of stress but also to discover new skills to develop or even reconect to ourselves.

  38. Jess

    I have never baked before but this has encouraged me to try it – but with help of course.

  39. Badee salloum

    It is a great article

  40. Ramita

    I think that reading a book such as “the kite runner” would be a great way to pass time and destress it is truly an amazing book!

  41. Vespa

    I think…this is a good writing and helpful good up keep it up

  42. Zaffeyq

    I think cooking and baking are most suitable for us since when cooking and baking we can also show our feelings on that food..Yeah I ❀️ you baking

  43. Eloise

    I think…the best thing to do is exercise and get outside in nature to boost your mood

  44. Aisha

    I think these are a brilliant idea. I’ve been enjoying Yoga and drawing a lot recently especially in this lockdown period. I love doing Yoga with Adriene videos too πŸ™‚

  45. Max norris

    Those are some good ideas

  46. Heidi

    I think these are good ideas to keep you busy during lockdown, relieve stress and take your mind off corona virus and try to forget a pandemic stressing you out. Taking your dog for a walk is also relaxing. Playing board games with family is also something entertaining.

  47. Neve

    I think the best part about lockdown is spending time thinking about ourselves and our mindset. This helps us, especially me, feel grateful about how far I have become and what I need to improve on. Also personal hygiene is very important. I think we can use this period of time to our advantage whilst staying safe.

  48. Molly Sewell

    I think they are great ideas!!

  49. Molly Sewell

    im an art student so painting is good for lockdown, espcecially things that people like

  50. Harry do franco

    It’s amazing. I love Harry. Daniel is short. Huge fan of this amazing blog keep up the good work

  51. Bisrat

    I think every body should do what makes them comfortable what makes you feel good and makes you feel like your old self if working out or doing yoga any thing productive just do it . for me working out is my thing just find yours and I just hope you just get through what ever you going through

  52. Rania

    I think that art would be a best way of de-stressing yourself as you have to concentrate on the colours you are using and what to put where. I love to paint in my free time.

  53. Honey

    I think that hobbies for lockdown are great and it so amazing to have time to learn a new skill but I also think it is a good time to slow down and relax for a while because it may be the only chance to reflect of your life so far πŸ™‚


    I think…Reading and writting in rehersal ahead would be the best option. As an INFJ i`m much particle about reaching out and changing lives through my writthings.

  55. Phynux Desmond

    I think the best things to do during this lock down is personal hygiene and excercise and also eating of good foods and taking lots of water and to be careful with what you touch and play with and to be always making use of Nose mask when going out and washing of hands under runing water or by using hand sanitizer or alcohol base and coughing under your elbow and desposin of toilet trolls in the waste bin’s