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Articles > Friends March, 19, 2020

How to escape the friend zone… or not.

Eleanor Richardson
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At some point in our lives we’ve all fallen for that one friend. It can be painful knowing that you two should be together, but they just can’t see it. Here’s some advice on how to approach this sticky situation.

We all recognise the friend zone. The excitement of getting to know someone new is over. You’ve found out that you both like video games, pizza, and even share the same politics. You find them super hilarious and you just get on so well. It’s like it’s meant to be.

But to them, you’re just a friend. They make it clear to you that your relationship is purely platonic. They break your heart and don’t even notice. They kiss other people then cry on your shoulder.

So how do you escape? How do you convince them that they were wrong all this time, that you are the one they are supposed to love and they have been blind not to see it?

Here’s the answer: you don’t. You just don’t.

Either confess your undying love or let it go. Don’t believe the Rom-Coms. They’re not going to miraculously fall in love with you, no matter how long you pine for them. Try not to take it personally. It’s not their fault they don’t love you. Don’t punish them for the way they feel.

It’s going to be hard and you’re going to be miserable. That’s okay. Get yourself some ice cream, run yourself a bubble bath, and cry. Be heart-broken for a bit. Then move on. Enjoy the time you spend together. Remember that before love came along and complicated everything, you were friends.

You have a friendship. It’s not something you have to escape.

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  1. Name

    Great, concise article. 🙂