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Articles > Mental Health August, 13, 2019

Top Tips for Being Confident in your Choices

Megan Hayton
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The biggest question we all come across when deciding on A Level options, or applying to University is: “what is your passion?” I’ve been told, and I quote, “if it doesn’t light something up inside you, then it’s not for you.”

However, as much as this advice is crucial in being happy with the path you choose to take, it’s sometimes hard to pinpoint what gets you up in the morning. Don’t worry though; after a bit of searching, you’ll find the thing that keeps you going, and when you do, it’ll feel incredible.

The problem with searching, for me anyway, is that I sometimes feel ashamed in admitting my love for my subjects. I absolutely adore history, but how can I expect anyone else to understand that? And how do I stop feeling embarrassed when expressing my interest? It all boils down to self-confidence, which is something I’m almost certain everyone struggles with on a daily basis. If you’re confident in yourself, you’re confident with the path you choose and the things you’ll be engaging with along the way, but being confident is much easier said than done.

So, to help you on your way, here are three ways to increase confidence in yourself, academically and personally:

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

As someone with a competitive nature, I can’t help but wonder what other people scored on exams, and I often use my place in the class as motivation to try and bump my way up the rankings. Having that competitive edge can benefit you with exam results, but can it really better your love for your subject if you’re constantly pushing yourself to beat others and not to just enjoy learning? You’ll end up falling out of love with your passion, which will make it difficult to find another.

Look After Yourself!

This may seem extremely simple, but self-care is absolutely essential. When I say self-care, I’m not alluding to the glorified version with the face masks and the expensive creams; it could be just as easy as taking a shower every day. Making sure you’re eating enough, drinking enough and keeping yourself and your surroundings clean are all essential in feeling better in your own skin. When you’re comfortable and clean, the way you feel about your day-to-day activities improves, and you’ll be much more confident in your ability to make every day a good day.

Spend Time on Other Things

Time is your worst enemy when it comes to this tip. Nonetheless, it’s essential that you make space for your passion outside your studies. For example, if your passion is Literature, move away from your set texts and spend time reading and analysing completely different texts in your own way, purely for leisure. Exploring your subject for your own enjoyment is so incredibly important in keeping your passion alive, even if it’s just to stop it dwindling into a simple exam result.

The most important factor to take away from this is to not let the fire fade; take pride in what you’re putting effort into, and be proud to have something you’re so excited to pursue. Remove yourself from it academically, and let yourself not be limited by a specification – your confidence, within both your passion and yourself, will thrive.

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  1. olivia

    this is soo helpful thank you!!