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Articles > Money April, 10, 2019

Top 5 Tips for Planning Your Uni Finances

Nora Mok
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University gives you valuable knowledge which to prepare you for your dream job, teaches you about yourself and gives you the chance meet plenty of like-minded people.

But planning your uni finances isn’t something that they teach you and by the time your education is done, you’ll be on your own. That’s why it’s good to start thinking about your finances while still in university. Here are some tips:

1. Get a job

Getting a job while in university may seem like a crazy idea – you already have so much on your plate, and you don’t think that you can do it. But just think about all of that wasted time you have each day. Why not put it to good use and get a part-time job?

2. Start a savings account

Saving money in university seems like a crazy notion but it’s not impossible. If you really want to do it, you can – but it will require some budgeting and compromising. Open a savings account and put money in it on a regular basis. Spend less on extras and save on food by shopping in cheaper supermarkets. This will come in handy for later when you finish school. You’ll be able to afford to live alone in some cases or at least give yourself some time before you find a job.

3. Take advantage of student discounts

“There are student discounts in almost every store and establishment. Use the extra money for your personal needs or invest in your future by putting it in your savings account.” says Drew Hodgins, a financial writer at Ukwritings and Write my essay for me.

4. Be careful with credit cards

Stay away from using your credit cards if you don’t want to be in even more debt than you already are. Those are just for extreme emergencies. Have some cash on hand always and don’t buy unnecessary things.

5. Learn how to save money

“Instead of spending recklessly on various unnecessary things, learn to save money and live humbly. Buy only the things that you really need and even then – find cheap or second-hand versions or hunt for sales. “says Lear Goodwin, an Educator at Essayroo and Assignment expert.

Planning your uni finances isn’t the first thing university students think about. But it should be. Soon, the university will be over and you’ll have to face the real world. Start taking care of your personal finance as soon as you can.

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  1. james

    I think…its a good post.