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Articles > Money December, 14, 2018

Top 5 Ways to Make Easy Money at Uni

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If like me you want just a few more years with your head in the clouds, refusing to have a job, here are my best ways to make easy money at university…

I came to uni as naïve as everyone else thinking a student loan was like finding a big stack of cash in your grandma’s Christmas card. But the truth is, every student, no matter how responsible, gets stuck with money trouble. We know we could get a job, but the reality is, we’re students. The rest of our lives are going to be spent worrying about paying off humungous student loans, mortgages and bills, all while holding boring 9-5 jobs.

1. Get a job

I know I sound like a hypocrite, but this is not what it seems. Jobs at Uni can be really well paid, and don’t require you to do much. A job as an open day ambassador can put £60 in your pocket, and all you have to do is tell some prospective students about campus hot spots and night life. Really, you’re just getting paid to have a chat; Result.

2. Surveys

These are one of the easiest ways to get a nice little bit of extra cash during the week. Whether you’re answering questions about course satisfaction, or how involved you are in sports – who knew your opinion not only mattered, but that you could get money for it? One of the best ways to make easy money is through companies like The OpinionPanel, which can earn you up to £4 per survey, and you can redeem all your points with cash or with vouchers for clothes, food or cinema  tickets. Perfect!

3. Switch Accounts

This sounds like a lot of effort; however, I assure you it’s been the fastest and easiest way to get a bit of extra cash at the end of an expensive month. If you aren’t attached to your bank, other banks compete to get you to switch current accounts, with some offering as much as £200 ‘free cash’ for switching over! Keep an eye out online for those sweet little deals.

4. Cashback Schemes

Companies like Nectar and SwagBucks collect points from a huge range of shops like ASOS and New Look, and just by using them for your normal shopping, you can find yourself earning enough points to redeem a tidy discount from your next grocery shop, online purchase or train ticket home to see your mates.

5. Be Discount-Savvy

Yes, getting a free McFlurry or chicken mayo with your McDonalds meal is brilliant, but there are so many other discounts you can grab if you are smart about it. My personal lifesaver at uni is Honey, a website that automatically finds you the best discount codes for any online shop. The best bit, it works automatically, so I never forget to use it!

The moral of the story? We should be more responsible with our money; we are adults and should start growing up. Are we going to? Of course not. Instead let’s be proud of how good we can be at making money with as little effort as possible.


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